
CERO2 Chinola
700ML – 40%

The sustainable choice! CERO2 CHINOLA is a tribute to the passion fruit widely used in the Dominican Republic, where the gin is produced. In addition to the delicate taste of juniper and citrus, you can clearly sense the fresh and light sweetness of passion fruit in this gin. It is suitable for a multitude of cocktails, as well as in a good G&T. The gin is produced on a base of sugar cane, which adds a rounded taste experience. For those who have a passion for gin. Serving tip: Squeeze some passion fruit into your G&T and give it an exotic touch.

CERO2 Chinola er sustainable all the way

We have done everything we can to minimize the climate footprint with CERO2 Chinola. For example, the gin

→ transported across the Atlantic by sailing ship without the use of an engine!

→ bottled in Europe in bottles made of 100% recycled glass with a 100% recycled paper label

→ produced at one of the world’s most sustainable distilleries in the Dominican Republic

→ all organic material and waste water from the fermentation process is piped out onto the sugar cane fields as organic fertilizer for the new sugar cane

→ 50% of the CO2 from the fermentation process is collected and placed in pressure tanks, which are used for soda at the local soda factory

→ part of the profit goes to charity, such as school operations and further training, so that employees can become skilled

CERO2 Chinola on the dock in Odense Habour

CERO, Chinola is distilled by one of the world’s most sustainable distilleries, located in the Dominican Republic.

This Caribbean gin offers you a wonderful taste experience. With notes of juniper and citrus, as well as the notes of chinola, which is a Dominican treasure. CERO, Chinola is made from the locally grown sugar canes that surround the distillery. By burning the sugar cane biomass, the distillery produces its own energy. Additionally, the COz from the fermentation process is captured and reused in carbonated drinks.

(Z)Cero CO2

Besides being environmentally friendly, the distillery contributes to education and regional development. By providing free transportation to the local school for the children in the area. To reduce CO2 emissions further, the transportation from Boca Chica Port to Northern Europe is done by a sailing ship that runs only on wind power. The gin is then bottled in recycled glass bottles. For CERO, Chinola, we are making every effort to be environmentally friendly, so you can enjoy it with a clear conscience. Cheers!

→ 40% VOL

→ Notes of juniper passion fruit (Chinola) and citrus

→ Made from sugar cane juice

→ Transported with sail ship, without an engine at all

→ Bottled in bottles made from 100% recycled glass

→ Produced on one of the worlds most sustainable distilleries in The Dominican Republic.

Read more about the CERO2 serien here

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